Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wedding Memories

I've decided that since I haven't written in so long and since my wedding anniversary came and went that I would share a special moment with you all.

With all the wedding plans, Tom had told me not to have a first dance song picked out-he would take care of it.
The day of the wedding when it was time to dance together, Tom pulled out the piano and played me a song, right there in front of everyone!

To understand more of this surprise and romantic event, I'll take you back to our first couple of dates:
-I came back to visit the farm, I think it was my third or fourth time out there. I loved to visit. Tom sat down on the piano and started playing this beautiful melody. Tom-with the huge calloused farmer's hands was playing this musical tune! My heart softened and from then on, I knew he was the one for me.

So, on our big day, this is what he had planned. He played the same tune that I fell in love with him to months before.

It's just a constant reminder that Tom has such a great heart, boy am I lucky!

The Farmer's Wife

1 comment:

Mike said...

Having been there, and sharing that moment, I am awash in wonderfully warm emotions! It was one of those times in life that seem to just stand still. What a wonderful day...what a wonderful daughter...and what a wonderful Son-In-Law. I am truly blessed!!
Love you both sooooooooo much.