Friday, June 3, 2016

A Catch-Up With the Creightons

Heston had a field trip with the preschool and we got to go to the Ag Farm! It was so much fun!

There were so many hands-on activities for the kiddos and I enjoyed watching Heston soak it all up.

One of the stations was all about horses and Sadie just loved it! Kaitlyn showed her how to rope and ride!

 Heston already thinks he's a natural!
 Then we had a wreath making class at our Monday Night School at church and Di Di (someone Sadie loves to high heaven) sent her home with a wreath and flowers to make on her own. So this is Sadie's idea of a craft day at home with mom.
While Heston plays outside, Sadie plays with her squigglies and pom poms. And I still find these little things hidden all around the house.
And here we find that Heston and Sadie yet again found where the kittens were hiding and continued to bring them in the house and torture them with their love.
On my birthday I came in the house to find that Tom had put both kids to bed and had rallied the kids into helping him cut out this sign. So sweet.
 Since the weather is warming up, Sadie and Heston have loved being outside. When I fill up their little pool they can't wait to pour mud into it and pretend to be "piggies". The kids had a mud fight as we can see by Sadie's battle wounds.
While Sadie fills up the pool, Heston makes a mud puddle in his "house" and grabs all the trucks and tractors he can to help him dig up his treasure.

Until next time!
The Farmer's Wife and mother to two piggies!

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