I was online shopping the other day and saw the cutest little flippy flops for Heston and they were on sale! I ordered them, in the appropriate size for his fat little feet, but when I got them I couldn't get them to fit. I tried and tried, and Hes watched very amused. He now uses them as chew toys. Just goes to show that sometimes things don't turn out like you planned them!
Heston has been pulling himself up into a seated position from his tum tum and is very proud of himself. When he rolls onto the kitchen floor, he positions himself onto his tummy and then scoots himself all around. When Tom got home yesterday, the kitchen towels were all pulled to the floor, the rugs (as shown) were flipped over and his toys were all scattered about. I'm a pretty neat and tidy person, but yesterday I just let bygones be bygones, and seeing this face makes it all worth it!
Heston also likes to feed himself with those little grain puffs. So I've been cutting them in half so he doesn't choke, and when I give them to him, he looks at me like "really mom? I can totally eat bigger pieces than that." So I gave him a whole piece, and to my amazement, he didn't choke, just stuffed it in his mouth and chewed. How did he get so big? So I sprinkled some puffs on the floor to entertain him, not sanitary, but hey, he was happy!
Then after a weekend of being gone, it was time to do some laundry. Heston loves laundry time because I toss it all out on my bed and he helps me fold them. I left to put his clothes away in the nursery and when I came back, he had the basket over his head and was playing hide and go seek with himself. I grabbed the camera really fast and he flipped the basket over to play peek a boo!
I hope I'm able to catch all of these precious moments, I love doing this blog because I get to revisit each instance and it makes me laugh to myself! Until next time!
The Farmer's Wifey
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