Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Oh Pioneer Woman, How I Love You!

Well since my dream of being the Pioneer Woman's assistant is not going to happen, I will instead make her delicious recipes one day at a time.

Hey Julie did it to Julia in the movie, maybe I should star in a movie: Ree & Kristi!

I think I have almost made every one of her recipes in her book, and more online as well! But this one I have to share with you: Spicy Shredded Pork, yes it's delicious, and the local cowgirls like it as well, so I'd highly recommend it. To make it tonight for din din, check out the recipe!

Yes, this blog is supposed to be about my life out here, but cooking is a big part of it, and if I can share delicious and easy recipes with others (I was a horrible cook in the beginning) then I've done my good deed for the day!

The Farmer's Wife


Jocelyn Lykins said...

Yes it was very good! I will be making it soon!

Mike said...

It does look good Sis. It sounds like you had a good time with all the Gals the other night. I can't wait to come down next week-end. And between now and then I have to train Zak to drive a stick. YIKES!!