This last month has gone by so fast, Sadie is already six weeks old and so precious!
While I'm still getting about my normal daily routine, little things these kids do just make my day.
Here, Heston is hiding behind the curtain in the laundry room, and guess what he's doing? Pooping! Yes, his signature move. He thinks he's so sneaky. So while Heston is busy doing his business, sister Sadie just rests peacefully in her bouncer.
Hello everyone!
I got Heston a bug catching net from that dollar section in Target, and he thought it was the coolest hat in the world! He wore it all around the house.
Peek a boo mom!

And while Heston pranced around as bug catcher head, Sadie was sleeping.
I got the vacuum out this morning to spiff up the house, and Heston had to use it too-of course. So here he is wearing his blue beads and playing with the vacuum.
Meanwhile, Sadie was awake and I happened to catch a little smile from her, sweet little thing!
Then Heston found his play phone and had a conversation with himself as he walked around the house. He used his bubble gun for props as well.
And still Sadie sits and looks.
She's so entertained by whatever brother does, this could be a blessing or a curse!
Until next time,
The Farmer's Wife