So first things first, playing peek-a-boo under the laundry room sink. He loves the curtain I made to cover everything underneath there. He still pulls everything out to show me what's hidden, thank you child.
Chinese food was the dinner choice and Heston seemed to love it all. He loves to smear food all over himself, especially his golden locks, and he didn't realize that he had noodled himself, I was laughing and he, as seen here, had no humor in the matter. Noodle head.
After bathy time I let Hes just roam around and get his wiggles out, and after a long period of silence which is never good at this age, I came into the bathroom to see this. Thank you child for taking all the toilet paper off the roll!
I love this life, and Heston is work, yes, but when I blog about this kinda stuff, I always seem to laugh a little at the memories!
The Farmer's Wife