Saturday, July 27, 2013


Tom and I had bought a white peach tree two years ago, and this spring it started producing fruit! Tom is so proud of his tree and harvests it daily, leaves mounds of peaches on the dining room table just for me. Today I looked at the full table and decided it was time to take care of them.

I washed them all up, cut them in quarters, sugared them, and bagged them up for the freezer. The bad parts were sent out to the goats and chickens who wait so anxiously for me to come with the rotten fruit. So it's a win win on the farm!

Tom wants me to make a peach cobbler tonight, so instead of the Pioneer Woman's cobbler, I'm using my mom's recipe. I love it! I shared it awhile ago on here, but I'll share it again!

Mom's Peach Cobbler (I hope this isn't a secret recipe mom, sorry!)
  • 1 1/2 sticks of butter
  • 2 cups Bisquick
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 1 quart (4 cups) peaches
  • 1 cup milk
Melt butter in a 9x13 dish. Mix the rest of the ingredients in a bowl and add to the butter. Set the drained peaches on top of mixture, don't stir.
Bake at 350 for 45-60 minutes.

It's buttery deliciousness! Maybe I'll make this for lunch instead, just writing out the recipe made my tummy growl!

Oh and to top off this post, here's a picture of Heston saying "hi!". I've been starting to feed him breakfast, lunch, and dinner to get him weaned! So he's loving big boy food!

The Farmer's Wife

Monday, July 22, 2013

What Is It With This House and Snakes?!

I was so proud of myself yesterday, I got a bite from the re-decorating  bug, granted there's not much I can move in my living room but I angled things differently, vacuumed out window sills, cleaned the leather on the couches, dusted like no one's business and fluffed up the pillows. I stepped back and saw that everything was good.
Later that night, Tom and I had grilled up some delicious hamburgers outside and we sat on the porch with Heston and enjoyed the night air.  After dinner I told Tom that I was going to hop in the shower, and could he watch Heston for me please. Tom rocked Hes in his nursery as I shaved my legs and spent my "me" time relaxing in the shower.

I came out of the shower to tell Tom (who was still in the nursery with Hes) that if he wanted to start a movie I was ready. As I walked to Heston's room I saw a large black snake in the middle of my living room. I thought to myself: "wow, I didn't know that I bought a rubber snake for Hes, it looks so lifelike." That's when it started slithering across the carpet and I started screaming-not sissy-like, but enough to get Tom to coming running out of the room with Heston on his hip.

 Indeed, it was just a King snake (yea, just! It doesn't matter, it was a snake in my living room!) This is the second snake that has graced my house since I've moved in, not to mention the countless ones that are on my porch as well. So Tom called in reinforcements-Uncle Jack to the rescue! Tom was the snake catcher, hence the gloves, and Jack was the snake detective (we had to find it first, it had moved to a different couch to hide under). I was holding Hes standing on a chair, heck if I was going to be close to that thing!

They finally caught it and released it far away, at least that's what they told me. Where did this thing come from though? That's the scary part! Hes is always putting his fingers under stuff, and what if he was under the crib? Ugh I could go batty thinking about this!

Until next time, or my next snake adventure.....
The Farmer/Snake Catcher's Wife

Friday, July 19, 2013

A Trip to Modesto for Grandma's Birthday

Last week was my mom's birthday so Heston and I ventured up north to Grandma and Grandpa's house in Modesto.

Upon my arrival, it was definitely swimming time! I forgot how much fun a pool is! My mom had bought Hes the cutest little floaty canopy and since it was his first time in a pool (well, a big one) it was picture time! Here he is surveying the water, and trying to drink it at times. And he always made sure to watch where Grandma was.

 The next day I talked Uncle Zak and Grandma into going to FunWorks and racing some go-carts! Since there were 3 of us we took turns watching Heston. The whole time while we were racing Heston played with his stroller wheels-all of them. First he turned the back ones then he moved on to the front one. He was completely entertained!

 After racing we went inside and Heston rode a Ferrari! I took a video of him. He sure knows how to grab onto a wheel with both hands. I had to prop him up a little bit since the forward and backward motion of the ride had him a little off balance.

The next day was the big yardsale that my mom prepares for annually. It was also her birthday and Mary (our dear family friend) bought a balloon to celebrate the occasion. This balloon was the best thing to happen to Heston! He played with it for so long.  I had to snap a few pictures, it was just too cute.

The day after the yardsale we decided to head to the county fair. I had grabbed an apple to snack on, and after watching Heston eye it, I let him nibble off of it. He loved his apple. He almost nibbled it to the core!

At the fair we got to see animals, tractors, rides and so much more. I realized after I got home that I totally forgot to take pictures of Hes at the fair, all I got were pictures of Heston sitting with Grandma and Grandpa on the shuttle to the fairgrounds. Oh well! You can't win 'em all.

What a fun and adventurous week with Grandma and Grandpa!

The Farmer's Wife

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

11 months old, Ice Cream Treat with Dad, and Heston's Fascination with Wheels!

I almost missed Heston's 11 month picture, I looked on the calendar, and there before my eyes was the realization that he's already 11 months! How time flies.

So here he is, also contemplating his new month- he tries  to eat these monthly stickers, so the photo sessions are very short.

One of Tom's favorite ice cream treats are Drumsticks and I had bought a pack for him since they were on sale at Vons. Tom will eat them while watching tv and Heston always fervently watches him with such pleading eyes. A couple night ago Tom pulled him up next to himself and let Hes try his first Drumstick, judging by the pictures, Heston truly enjoyed them!

Heston also has the cutest fascination with wheels. Dale & Debi got him this Tonka truck and I have it in his nursery holding his stuffed farm animals. Today I turned my back for two seconds and Heston had wandered into his nursery, grabbed the truck, tossed the animals out, flipped it upside down, and starting spinning the wheels.
I have found random tractor toys and other wheeled toys all flipped over. He even plays with the stroller wheels if he's on the ground near it. Maybe he'll be really good at changing tires, maybe we should get him started on the farm sooner than we thought!

The Farmer's Wife

Monday, July 1, 2013

Daddy Time and More Eatin'

Did I mention that Heston loves his daddy? He lights up everytime Tom comes in the room and it makes my heart melt.

Here are some pictures of Tom and Weaver, and the later few are what Tom looks like after he comes home from work, especially during this baling season. He's pooped at the end of the day. But Heston will not go to sleep at night until Tom comes home, he waits and waits. So needless to say, Hes's bedtime have been towards 9:30 10:00, that little guy is a trooper!

 Heston is also super excited about being a big boy and eating big boy food, so I love to snap his grubbin' down pictures. He's so proud of himself.

The Farmer's Wife