Yesterday, Heston and I stole away with my good friend Amee and her girls to Murray Farms in Bakersfield. Heston loves these two girls, and I think the feeling is pretty mutual. I mean, they were fighting over who got to push the stroller, and I'm thinking, "heck, go for it, I do this all the time!".
We visited the pumpkin patch and the girls (even Amee) picked out the two cutest little pumpkins which Heston loved and cherished. We also went on the big bouncing pillow which was too much for me but Heston loved it! So Amee and the girls took one for the team and held Heston for me while the other kids bounced away.
Then the girls got their faces painted, we were trying to do it with Heston, but he wouldn't sit still long enough, so there you go.

It was a long day but oh so fun, and we had delicious food at the cafe inside, and for those that know me, I had to stop at Sonic afterward and get a tea-don't judge me.
After we got home, Heston wanted to get his wiggles out and I let him play outside as I watched from the laundry room window. He pushed his stroller out to the dirt patch and was very quiet and still, which scares me. So I walked out there with the camera, and this is what he had been doing....
Ugh, how do I keep this kid clean? He made a nice little dirt pile all over himself, but he was in heaven! I think he found a little ball of goat poop and that's what was in his hand. Was I surprised that he found poop out of the entire dirt yard, absolutely not, go figure. So I told him to show me what he had and when he looked up, it looked like all the boogies and slobber he had going on collected all the dirt that he was throwing in the air. My little dirt devil.
Needless to say, when I picked him up to take him inside for bathy time, he was not happy at all! What a full day!
The Dirt Devil's Mom